Members Area

NOTE: The website was relaunched with a new look and functionality on November 21, 2019. If you have not done so already and this is your first time visiting the new Members Area, you WILL need to re-apply for Members Area access, though most of the content (Announcements, News, Events, Documents) housed in the Members Area of the previous website has been relocated to the public portion (no login required) of this new site.

To register for access to the new Members Area, please fill out the application form.

Once your Members Area access has been approved, you can enter your new login credentials here.

Username / Password Not Working?

Username / password login credential combos from the former MSFA website (prior to November 21, 2019) will NOT WORK on the new website, unless you have created a new account with the exact same login credentials.

If you 1) HAVE setup an account on the relaunched website, you 2) have received the email that your account has been provisioned by the MSFA web team, and 3) your username and password combination is getting rejected, please review these steps to delete browser-stored website login credentials.

Or, reset your password.

If following these steps does not resolve the issue, please contact the MSFA Webmaster.